Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Functional Literacy and Remediation

In the preparation of my Power Point presentation for a school visit, I "use[d] computers effectively in achieving educational goals," made use of "the specialized discourses associated with computers...,
resolve[d] technological impasses," studied the "social conventions that help determine computer use," and navigated my "online world" (45). Selber would be proud of my new-found functional literacy, and while I'm still a little shaky, I'm proud that I've been able to use this literacy in my work life to improve my presentations.

The photo of the little girl on stage is an expample of remediation. Her performance as the actor portraying a character from a children's book, (the same book that I'm reading to the audience off to the side), is a "kind of borrowing in which one medium is itself incorporated or represented in another medium" (45). To add to the mix, she is the girl who inspired the story, playing herself as a fictional character. Think of Plato and his search for truth here.

1 comment:

  1. These pictures are so cute. You never stop impressing me! :o)
