Thursday, February 18, 2010

Cell Phones Are Fun

In our book, Multiliteracies For A Digital Age, Selber says that “students need to become producers and not just users of computer based environments” (140). He also talks about the need for “collaborative situations” (93), “trial and error,” and “peer support” (30). And it’s ironic that in creating our demonstration for our group project, Elise, Leontine and I experienced all of the above as we sat at Starbucks peering into Leontine’s laptop, sending images to our e-mail accounts from our cell phones while discussing Blog and Twitter topics.

We decided to base our group teaching project around the cell phone, because it's pretty accessible to all, and it can be used in most any environment to collect an image to download to a blog or Twitter account. We asked you all to bring in photos of functional literacy, which many of you did, and Elise brought in a photo that signifies an environmental issue. The next step, after uploading the photo, would be to comment on what the photo means to you and the world around you. Your classmates could then look at your site and make their own comments, extending the lesson from an individual's perspective to the entire class.
I hope the presentation was helpful, and that it gave you new ideas for the classroom. La Tanya, thank you for saying that you want to go home and figure out how to upload photos into your computer now. That made my day!

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